Friday, November 25, 2005

The day after...

Well, we all got completely stuffed yesterday. We had entirely too much turkey and just enough mashed potatoes and stuffing. Today, the Carters are coming.

Dad left early to go pick up Grandma Jean, and Mom is at work, so it's just Monica, myself and Sarah here before everyone starts arriving. I'm looking forward to everyone getting here--Monica and I haven't seen anyone since July, and I'm looking forward to meeting Kendra and Tom's newest addition, TJ.

Tomorrow, Moni and I head back to San Antonio, and I think we're going to try to drive it straight through. It will be difficult, but if I can manage to sleep as much in the car as I did on the way up (which never happens), we should be able to make it back to SA in one day. That will be nice, because then we'll have all day Sunday to recover, instead of having to drive another 5 or so hours just to make it home before we can relax.

Here's hoping for peaceful slumber in the car.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Who let the dogs out?

We're at Mom & Dad's this week. So far, it's been pretty lazy, which is just what I like when we leave San Antonio. It seems like so many times we try to do too much when we're on vacation, and end up needing another vacation when we get home (and I'm sure you can figure out how our workplaces feel about that).

Since Monica isn't feeling so hot right now, we've decided to forgo the trip to Chicago and the trip to Indianapolis, and just hang out here and be veggies, and that's just fine with me.

We had to bring the dog with us, of course, and he's having a grand old time playing in my parent's big yard with Rhett. The only problem is that he knows there's another dog in the house and now when he wakes up in the morning, instead of waiting patiently for us to get up, he starts whining because he wants to go and play.

This means that, even though I'm on vacation, I'm getting up at 7 AM or earlier to let the dogs out.

So I guess that answers the question, doesn't it?

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Howdy, ya'll

This is the first post on the place on the web to keep up with the Lalemans. For those of you who don't know us, my wife Monica and I got married back in July and are expecting our first child in June.

If anyone else from the fam wants to join in the fun, just let me know and I'll add you to the list so you can blog here too!