Sunday, September 26, 2010

As opposed to Misterssippi

"do they have girls in Mississippi?" "yes, why?" "well because its called they do have girls there."

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Rachel was singing a song that she heard at the reception tonight..sort of. It went like this: "ba ba ba booger face ba ba booger face"

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"mom, i was doing ring around the rosie and now the house is moving around. do you feel it moving around?"

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Time Out

", can i get out of time out?" "rachel, i didn't put you in time out to begin with. why did you go?" "because i was being mean to emmy?"

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Head, shoulders...

"mommy, when you made me why did you put my arm on my shoulder?"

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"daddy, do you have your light heads on?" "Rachel, you mean my headlights?"

"Oh, yes."

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"i see france, i see london, i see emmy's underpants"

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Black Sheep

Rachel was singing on the way home from soccer practice: "Blah, blah, black sheep, have you any wolves? Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full."

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Broken Moon

Rachel quote of the day: How come at night time when the circle moon is out you could only see part of it like its broken?

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Ho - ho - ho

"Ok Emily, you be Santa Claus and I'll be your deer."

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Life's a beach

Rachel was putting together her state puzzle. I asked her what state she had put on she said "Florida. But it's not a state, it's a beach!"

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I <3 NY

"New York....where the lady holds her ice cream up"

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"Mommy, can I play with some of the toys that we're not buying today?"

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Mother's Day

The restaurant we had breakfast at was playing an Abba CD. I said, "must be Abba day" and Rachel, without missing a beat, said, "No, it's Mother's Day!"

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so according to rachel because mommy is a teacher, she don't have any does she know these things?

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"Daddy, is that moon part of God's head?"

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My Dad and a friend are going fishing in the Smokies tomorrow. Rachel asked him "Are you going by your two selves?"

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Rachel was in her bath playing with her bath toys. When Monica saw her pouring water on her peguin she asked her if she was giving him a bath...."no, i am baptizing him."

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Buffalo wings

Rachel saw a buffalo at a wildlife park today. Her first question, "Why doesn't he have wings?"

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Rachel gave Monica a hair strand that she found in the bathtub and told me to put it back on my head. When she explained to her that she couldn't do that, she told Monica to get a piece of tape and tape it onto her head.

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Rachel, while playing with her Raggedy Andy: "Somebody help me, I'm going to fall! I don't have bones!"

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Swiper! No Swiping!

I think we are missing pieces of Emily's bottles so I ask Rachel if she has seen them. She says to me "maybe Swiper swiped them." Ah the mind of a 3 year old.

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Beauty and the Beast

Rachel, to me: "Daddy, I'm Beauty, and you're the Beast."

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Another "too good not to share" courtesy of Rachel: "Daddy, I'm sure Ariel wears panties."

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"Daddy, when you and Mommy got married, was she the Bride and were you the Group?"

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Full moon

Me: "Look, Rachel, the moon is really full."

Rachel: "Why? Because it ate a lot of dinner?"

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Monday, September 06, 2010

Monica's birthday lunch

Monica's birthday is tomorrow, so we went out for lunch with friends today. Pictures were taken with the "Retro camera" app for android.

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Saturday, September 04, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma Betty and Grandpa Al

(41919 KB)
Watch on posterous

I'm very proud of Dad...he made this video by himself, with only a couple of calls to his technologist son!

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Saturday, in the park

We finally got a morning where it was cooler outside than it was inside, so we took advantage of it.

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