Friday, March 18, 2011

A good day of fishing

We took the whole family out on the boat today to see if we could get Rachel to hook a fish. She ended up with 4.

I did pretty well too...

The bigger largemouth was 17 3/4 inches and 3.1 pounds. The crappie would have been a lake record had we taken it in - 1.3 pounds, 14 inches.

Posted via email from Laleblog

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day Trip - Luling, Texas and Palmetto State Park

We decided to take a little day trip to the east today. We went to Luling and hit the Oil museum, had lunch at City Market and ended up (completely by accident) at the old mill and cotton gin. From there, we headed to Palmetto State Park.

Pictures taken with the Retro Camera app for Android

Taken with my regular camera

Posted via email from Laleblog