Today, Rachel and I took a bike ride along the Leon Creek Greenway with Emily in tow. We rode 2.5 miles, and Rachel didn't get tired until we were close to the end.
Posted via email from Laleblog
Today, Rachel and I took a bike ride along the Leon Creek Greenway with Emily in tow. We rode 2.5 miles, and Rachel didn't get tired until we were close to the end.
Posted via email from Laleblog
We went downtown to Main Plaza earlier in the week. I love shooting with the Retro Camera App for Android. Almost enough to make me not carry my regular camera. Almost.
Posted via email from Laleblog
Dear Girls,
Another month goes flying by. It seems like they go by faster and faster. You are both growing up so quickly, and while it's exciting for us to see you do and learn new things, I know that one day I'm going to turn around and you'll be leaving home. We had a lot of fun this past month, and we got to spend a lot of time with you because of spring break.
Rachel, you got to do a lot with us during March. One of the most exciting things for us, and I know for your Grandpa Rick, was the fact that you caught your first fish, ever! We had gone out fishing for the day just to putt around on the boat, but we ended up finding a great fishing spot and you caught four fish. You were pretty happy with your first one, then it seemed to get less interesting for you with each subsequent catch. On the last fish you caught, you didn't even want to reel it in. Nana had to do that for you.
Emily, you were not so excited about the fish. When we tried to show it to you, you screamed and yelled, and tried to get away from it. The problem was, there wasn't anywhere for you to go on the boat. You did a really good job of being patient while we all fished, though, and you really enjoyed the water splashing all over the place while we drove the boat around.
You have been very excited about going to play at the playground, though. You really like going down the slides, and climbing up on the equipment by yourself. I think you would go down the slides all day, if we let you. You always have the biggest smiles when you're coming down. You still need to work on the body control a bit, but it's getting better!
You started cutting some more teeth at the end of the month, too, Emily. Your teeth have just taken their sweet time coming in, but you don't seem to have any problems eating. And speaking of eating, you're getting really good at using your spoon and fork to feed yourself.
Rachel, you started playing soccer again this month, and this time, you're with a whole new group of kids. Your mother and I were a little sad that none of the kids you'd played with before were on your team, but it's a good experience for you to play with different kids. You having played before seems to put you at a bit of an advantage, too, as you seem to be more confident in going after the ball.
You've continued to get better and better at reading, and you've even started reading books to your class. Your teachers tell us all the time how amazed they are at how well you read, and how much confidence you have. We're very proud of you for being so quick and eager to learn new things, and your love of reading. You read to one of us almost every night, too.
Your grandparents left at the end of the month to go back up north. Rachel, you were very sad about the whole thing. You cried and cried when they left, and I know that this is going to be a yearly thing. Emily, I think you knew that something was different, but couldn't quite grasp what had happened. When they got home, we skyped with them like we usually do, but it's been 4 months since we'd done it, and Emily, you have a completely different understanding of the world now than you did 4 months ago. When you saw your Nana and Grandpa on the screen, you smiled shyly at them. I know you recognized that, but weren't quite sure what they were doing in my computer. After a while you warmed up and started playing with them. It was really interesting to see how your mind worked, though.
This next month will be very exciting. You're going to get a new cousin! And maybe your Aunt Sarah will start blogging again...
We love you both very much!
Posted via email from Laleblog