In case you haven't been paying attention, it's been raining in San Antonio for, oh, about 3 months now.
Oh wait. In New York or Los Angeles that's a news story. Because we're flooding like crazy, we only get a quicky 30 second mention every two weeks or so.
"And coming up after the break, we're going to do an in-depth story about steam tunnels. What they are, who maintains them, how New York is kept alive by them, and why they break. By the way, all of south Texas just slipped into the Gulf of Mexico. We'll get back to the steam tunnels right after this."
So, yes, it continues to rain here. We've almost received our total average rainfall for the year, and this morning, we had some particularly nasty thunderstorms come through. Lightning, thunder, the whole nine yards.
Rachel, as usual, slept through the entire thing.
But God forbid, I actually got up to go to the bathroom, and getting back into bed, I sniffled, which evidently was enough to wake up my daughter.
No matter that I'd been up for two hours already listening to the thunder and rain, which woke me up, a freakin' freight train could probably hit our house and she'd be fine, but if she hears someone moving around that's all she wrote.
Where does she get that from?
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