Saturday, August 11, 2007

Fourteen Months

Dear Rachel,

I am perfectly aware that it is two days past your fourteenth month. I've been very busy. Cut me a break.


So the big news of the month, as the whole world has already seen, is that you started walking. Except you haven't taken to it quite as quickly as we thought you would. We figured you'd be running around the house within a week of that video, but you've just kind of stalled. You'll still take a few steps here and there, but you really prefer to hold onto someone's hand, and if no one is around, you'll crawl. Maybe the two face-plants you took have deterred you from walking on your own. We'll keep trying, though.


Your talking has started to sound more and more like actual conversations rather than random babbling, and we're starting to be able to make out more words. About a week ago, you picked up a piece of Mama's power cord for her laptop, a small black box that's about the same size as our phone, put it to your ear and said, "Hello?" and proceeded to talk into the box in a tone similar to the one we use when we're on the phone.


You imitate us a lot now. Every sound we make, you try to make, too. When I sneeze, you make a little cough that sounds like my sneeze. You have stared helping us put away dishes, and you want to help us put our shoes on, even when we're not going anywhere. You'll hold the dog's leash when we go for a walk, and you've learned to burp just like me!

a new look

Bathtime has become an adventure, as you like to put your face in, and you've started drinking your bath water out of a cup we use to wet your hair. You are also learning how to wash yourself, and I can't wait until you're completely self-sufficient in the bath.


I probably should have let your mother write this month's letter, since she's been with you the whole month. I started back to work a few weeks ago, and I've been working really long days. Thankfully, I go back to normal hours next week, and you start going to Miss Judy's full time again next week. I'm looking forward to spending more time with you after I get home, and I'm sure Mama is looking forward to a week of being able to get things done.

Cindy-Lou Who

We love you very much.


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