Friday, May 02, 2008


So, I haven't posted anything personally about Monica or I for quite a while. This has pretty much become the "Rachel blog," but the name at the top still says Laleblog, so I suppose it's time to let you all in on a little thing that's been going on the past month. I've been reluctant to say anything about it until now.

No, we're not pregnant.

I was offered a job.

The job I've been shooting for since we moved back to Texas: I was offered a position as a technology director.

The funny thing is, that even though I was really excited about the whole thing, there was just something about it.

I turned down the job.

Had this been two years ago, I probably would have jumped on the opportunity. But I'm older, you know? More mature.

OK, maybe not, but there were an awful lot of factors that came into play that I didn't even consider when I started the process of applying and interviewing for this job. In the end, the timing just wasn't right.

It's an interesting position to be in, getting an offer when you're not really looking. I'm really happy where I am, and while this would have been a fantastic opportunity, I absolutely made the right decision.


  1. Wow! Well, congratulations on the offer and the ability to make such an important decision. What an ego boost!

  2. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Good for you - go with your gut!
