Thursday, June 09, 2011

Happy Birthday, Rachel!

I can't believe you're turning 5 years old today. It's gone by too fast.

Basking in the sun

I was laying in bed last night thinking, "We only have 3 more cycles of this (5 years at a time)" and you'll be all grown up."


Five years used to be such a long period of time. Now it's just a blink of the eye...


You said to Mommy last night, "I don't want to grow up!"

Way up high!

I'm right there with you, baby girl...right there with you.


But I also can't wait to see the young woman you'll become.


Like I said when you were born...I never knew my heart could be full of so much love.

Happy birthday, my sweet girl.

Posted via email from Laleblog

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