Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Building a Garden

Our back yard has a pretty good slope to it, which means that anytime it rains, any dirt that isn't packed down gets washed away. That's why we haven't attempted to make a little garden at this house yet. But I had a gift card from Home Depot (thanks, Mom and Dad!) and a hair up my butt to give the girls something to do this summer, so I decided we'd build a garden.

It was a lot bigger project than I planned, but I want it to stay put for a while so I took the time to actually plan (imagine that!)

It's been a couple of weeks in the making, but I think we're finally ready to plant.

With some assistance from my little helpers, we moved a yard of dirt into the 8' x 4' x 2' raised bed (it's only 12" up on the shallow side).

Now we just need to plant some seeds and watch them grow!

To celebrate, we went and got ice cream!

Posted via email from Laleblog

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