Sunday, May 27, 2012

Making BBQ Rub

In honor of Memorial Day, and all the cooking on the grill that goes along with it, I decided I'd share my recipe for making dry rub for BBQ. This is a basic rub that I use for lots of different meats. This works well on ribs, pork chops, brisket, and chicken. 

Start with 1 1/4 Cups of brown sugar

Add 1 1/4 Cups of white (granulated) sugar

1/2 Cup of salt (I use kosher)

1/4 Cup pepper (I usually use fresh ground pepper, but I didn't have any around today)

1/4 Cup paprika

Once you have all of this layered goodness together, 

take a fork and stir it together

After it's blended a bit, put the lid on your air-tight container and shake it up until it's really well blended. Since it's all dry goods, it will keep for months, but hopefully you're cooking out enough that you'll go through it more quickly than that.

Posted via email from Laleblog

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