Sunday, April 30, 2006

Fiesta fashion goes to the dogs

Yesterday, we went to the King William Fair, which is in one of the oldest and most expensive parts of town. Since it's expensive to live there, it's expensive to party there as well. The prices for food at King William fair are almost double what they are at other Fiesta events.

The King William District is a beautiful and historic part of town, though. The streets are lined with tall trees, and stately victorian homes. And yesterday, they were lined with people who dressed up their dogs, along with the usual Fiesta fashion.

And as a transition into more Fiesta What Not to Wear...the sign says it all...

Dude, like, you're so, like, 1985! I love the flipped collar.

I think the woman at the table is thinking the same thing I was thinking...where can I get a dress like that?

Typical for Fiesta, and San Antonio in general...

'Nuff said

This little guy has the right idea...after a hard day of Fiesta-ing, take a nap!

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