Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Rain, rain, come this way!

It rained in San Antonio today. Strike that. It poured. Most of the city got a deluge right around rush hour. It was such a huge event that they spent the entire 6 o'clock newscast talking about how it was raining outside.

It was one of those summer storms that just pops up...an isolated storm, if you please. This one happened to pop up on the northeast side of the city and tracked right across the center of town. I recognized the signs when I left from work. I knew it looked like it could rain, and when I got home, it was confirmed with the images coming in from the traffic cameras around the city.

I decided to hold off on watering my grass seed, and that, evidently, was my fatal flaw.

If you notice on the image below where I've marked the location of our house...it's the only spot in the whole city that didn't get rain.

While it was a biblical storm in most of the city, we got all of 12 drops of rain. After waiting for almost an hour for it to do something, I decided to go out and water.

Next time it looks like it's going to rain, I'm watering AND washing the car!

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