Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Month Seven

Dear Rachel,

Yesterday, you turned seven months old. Your father was sick from all the junk in the air, though, which is why this is a day late.

So...what a month! A lot of firsts for you yet again. Where to start?

You were baptized this month, which means you're well on your way to being a non-conformist Catholic, just like your Momma and Daddy! Actually, we were very excited to have you baptized and you have wonderful Godparents in Maria and Gregg.

You haven't started crawling yet, but you're trying. You push yourself up on your hands and you're starting to get the leg motion. I can't wait to see what Sparky does when you finally become mobile!

You sit up on your own all the time now. You still fall over from time to time, but it's not happening that much anymore. What's really fun is to watch you play. You really love to explore everything around you, and lots of times you do things that make us wonder what you're doing and why you're doing it. For example, when you decide you're done with your bottle (which I'll get more in depth with in a minute), I'll hold it up to see if you want more, and you'll lean forward and touch your forehead to the bottle. What is that all about?

Other times when you're playing, and a toy is just out of your reach, you'll stretch forward as far as you can, and even lift your butt up off the ground just to try to reach it. Soon enough, you'll be able to just crawl over to it, which scares the heck out of me, considering that you still think everything is there for you to put in your mouth.

You've become quite vocal over the past month, and usually when your mother and I are trying to watch something on the TV. Thankfully, we picked up a DVR this past month, too, so we can pause and rewind our favorite shows and start watching them again after you go to bed. Without fail, we'll be trying to listen to something on the news, or be in the good part of a TV show and you will start, "Ahhhhhhh ah ah ahahhhhhahhhaaaaahhahaaahahaa." You'll go on for minutes on end, and I'm sure this is just the start of the many ways in which you will annoy your parents. But you're supposed to. That's what kids do. At least you're not telling us off. At least, I don't think you are, but I don't speak baby, so I'm not entirely sure.

Your first Christmas was last month, and girl, did you ever rake in. I think you probably had more gifts than everyone else combined. It was really nice because you got to see your whole family.

Because of Christmas, our house is now officially full of your toys. We haven't even lived there four months yet, and already we're out of room. You certainly have a great time playing with all of your new stuff, though, which mostly consists of you rolling it away from you, holding whatever toy you have and banging it on the floor, and putting it in your mouth.

Speaking of your mouth, you have two new additions in there! You started cutting your first teeth on Christmas night, which made our Christmas night oh so fun, but now that they're in, you're doing much better. Every once in a while, you'll need your teething toys, which turn you from a screechy, crying mess, to a cooing, happy mess in a matter of just seconds.

Eating has taken a 180 degree turn from last month. Last month, we were having a hard time getting you to keep solids in your mouth. Now, you've decided that you don't like your bottles so much. within the last couple of weeks, you've stopped drinking all of your bottles, but you will eat virtually everything solid we try to put in your mouth. In fact, there is only one time in the past month I can think of when we had more food than you wanted to eat.

And a last first for the month, you went for your first bike ride just a few days ago. Actually, I did the riding, you just got pulled along behind me. I guess you can call that a ride. I can't wait to take you for more rides after the weather gets nicer. You love the outdoors so much, and we love taking you.

You interact with us more and more every day, which makes every day fun and exciting for us. We just can't wait to see what you'll do next.


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