Monica and I bought a new stove over the weekend, and it was delivered today. I wanted to make sure that someone was home when they delivered it, which was my original reason for taking the half day.
Also over the weekend, I put fill dirt down in our side yard, with the intent of getting sod to cover it so our yard wouldn't keep washing away when it rained. This is phase two of the larger landscaping project (phase one was the gutters). Since I had a couple of hours before the stove would be delivered, I decided to go get sod to put down in the side yard.
I only thought briefly about how much a full pallet of sod might weigh, and figured it couldn't be much more than the dirt I had carried in. I couldn't have been more wrong.
I worked most of the afternoon and ended up dirty and sweaty. But it was the perfect day to do it because it wasn't too hot outside.
The HGTV before shot...
...and after.
From the other side, before...
...and after.
Not bad for a day's work.
Nice job - are you for hire?