Today you turn 11 months old. And you are sick today, so I stayed home from work to take you to the doctor.
We've been pretty fortunate in that you've been a pretty healthy baby during this first year of your life. The doctor said that you have a cold and are probably teething (again?!) which is why you're running a fever. As I'm typing this, you've been asleep for the better part of two hours. Hopefully, getting some rest will help you to feel better.
We have been really busy this past month, and you've had a couple more firsts.
You went to the zoo for the first time a couple of weeks ago. We saw all kinds of animals and birds, and you were intrigued by some, bored by others. You fell asleep about an hour into our visit, but I think you liked the animals you saw.
You also went to your first Fiesta event. Actually, you went to Oyster Bake and King William Fair last year when you were inside your mother, but this year, we went to Market Square, and you loved looking at all of the colorful things. Then it started raining. Pouring, actually, but you didn't seem to mind. Luckily we had brought the Cadillac stroller and you were covered the entire time it was raining.
You are still pulling yourself up on everything, and are trying to walk a little. I've been trying to get you to walk around holding on to the foot rest on my recliner. You've started doing what my friend Ed called "furniture surfing," but you're not surfing very much yet. You'll move between the footstool and the couch if they're right next to each other, but you won't move yourself down the couch to actually get to the footstool. You'd still rather plop down on your butt and crawl to whatever you want to get to.
One of the funniest thing you've started doing is giving things to us, and to the dog. It's so cool that you know that you're supposed to give the dog his toy and not anything else. It's really funny when you take your paci out of your mouth and try to put in in Mommy's mouth. You're very good at giving me the TV remote when you're playing with it, because you know it belongs to me, and not you (or Mommy). You'll hand us your bottle when you're done with it, and you had us your sippy cup when you're done with it...usually after you've turned it upside down so your milk spills out.
Speaking of which, girl, you love your milk! We started giving you whole milk a few weeks ago and you just can't get enough of it. You look so happy when we bring it to you, and I don't know if it's because you like the taste, or because it's so cold, or what. I hope you continue to like it because you need to drink lots of milk to grow up big and tall like your Daddy.
You've also started eating a lot more regular food. We give you parts of our dinner whenever we can, and you seem to like most of it. In fact, until this past week, there wasn't anything you didn't like. Mamma found out, though, that you don't like whole peas. You'd open your mouth for them, but as soon as they were in, you'd start crying. You didn't seem to mind when they were all mashed up as baby food, so maybe it's just a texture thing. I'm glad you eat like me, though, in that you'll pretty much try anything we give you. That's going to make life much easier for us in the long run.
Your mother and I are very excited for your birthday, and we've started planning your party already. We'll have plenty of alcohol for the adults, and I can't wait to see what you do with your birthday cake.
We love you very much.
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