First of all, I want to apologize to anyone who became sick after attending Rachel's party on Saturday. Everyone in the Laleman clan was laid up for the remainder of the weekend too.
It appears, at this point, that it had something to do with the hamburgers we served. If you came to the party and became ill, could you please let me know. We're trying to narrow it down, and I've contacted the Texas Health Department. Hopefully we'll get some resolution to this and find out what it was that made so many people sick.
Even if you didn't eat a burger, but still got sick, please let me know.
Again, we're very sorry, and we hope it doesn't deter anyone from coming to any of Rachel's birthday parties in the future!
Hey Scott - Just wanted to thank you guys for hosting the fun party. I enjoyed seeing your parents again too. Caitlin and I were fine, no signs of sickness for us. Hope you guys are all feeling better. Andrea