Friday, September 07, 2007

Three Decades

Today, Monica turned 30 years old. She asked me a few years back, after another friend's 30th birthday, what I thought we'd be doing on her 30th birthday. I told her we'd probably have a quiet dinner with the kids and go home early. It wasn't quite like that, but we were home before midnight.

Monica's birthday is almost over, but she still doesn't have a gift from her husband. Why, you ask? Because it's been that kind of day. The flowers I ordered for her (albeit same day) never made it to her, I left work late, and because I'm an eternal procrastinator didn't get her anything yet. We did get to have dinner together, sans child, and we did get to spend a few hot, sweaty First Friday.

What did you think I was going to say?

Happy 30th, Moni!

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