Saturday, October 20, 2007


Fall has finally arrived in San Antonio.


We've spent the last 36+ hours with the windows open on the house, and despite the fact that it made it into the upper 80's yesterday, the humidity has been so low, that by the time the inside of the house warms to being uncomfortable, it's already cooling off outside. And next week, we're only supposed to have highs in the 70's!

By the dawn's early light...

Rachel has been sick again this week with a bacterial infection, so Monica took the day off work yesterday to take her to the doctor. She dressed her warmly for her 8 AM appointment, as it was in the upper 50's yesterday morning, and when they got home around 8:30 (yes, I said 8:30 from an 8 o'clock doctor's appointment! I love our doctor...I've never had to wait more than 20 minutes) she took pictures. Lots of pictures, some of which are posted here, but some of which I'm holding onto until the 17 month post.


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