Monday, January 28, 2008

Yo updates and stuff

It seems that I have a case of the Sarahs when it comes to updating the old Laleblog lately. I just haven't had the time or the energy to get on here and tell ya'll about how we've been doing.

Maybe it's been the cold cool, rainy weather we've been having. I've heard folks around here complaining about the lack of sunshine after two days and I was all, "You ain't seen nuthin' till you've lived up north, where it's cloudy, dreary and cold for three freakin' months."

So yeah, it's the weather. I'll blame it on the weather, which works really well as an excuse because the last couple of days it's been sunny and in the 70's which would then explain why I'm writing again, because I've gotten my happy dose of sunlight and warmth.

Anyway, it's been an adventurous week around here. We had quite a little debacle with Rachel at a restaurant last week. We'll just say that she was one of those children. You know, the ones you see and you say to yourself, "I'd never let me kid behave like that."

Then Friday we found out that we had a blockage in our sewer line - the hard way. Which means we spent Saturday morning bleaching the bathtubs and the floors of the bathroom. Fun times!

Rachel updates and new pictures coming soon!

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