Monday, December 25, 2006

I couldn't resist...

Merry Christmas everyone. I just had to post the picture of Rachel that I photoshopped last week. It's nowhere near perfect because I didn't really take my time with it, but it's funny nonetheless.

I call it Rockin' Rachel...

Just for comparison, here is the original. You can see why I had to do what I was an appropriate extension.

Monday, December 18, 2006

I got yer Christmas card...RIGHT HERE!

Because we're procrastinators around the Laleman household, the reality of the situation is that none of you will likely be getting a Christmas card from us in the mail.

We'd love to mail them out, seriously, but there's just so much other stuff to do.

So in the interest of saving all of us a lot of screaming and wondering just where that Laleman Christmas card is, here are a couple of choices for you to print out and put on your mantle.

We might, and I stress the word might here, get around to taking some family Chirstmas photos later this week, and if we do, I'll post additional Christmas card choices here.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Month Six

Dear Rachel,

Today you turn half a year old.

Your half-birthday is also the exact same day as your Grandpa Rick's birthday.

Happy Birthday, Dad!

This past month, you started holding on to your bottle almost all the time when you eat. We can even put you in your car seat, give you your bottle, and let you eat all by yourself. The only time we have to help you out is when you get close to being finished, because you have a little trouble turning the bottle up enough to get the last ounce or so.

The eating solids thing, though, has taken a turn for the worse. You used to concentrate on eating, but now, you're just so happy that we're giving you food, and so distracted by everything around you, it's almost impossible to keep anything in your mouth. We'll put a spoonfull in, you'll smile and start talking, and it will all run out. It makes feeding you very frustrating.

Something that's very exciting for us is that you've started to sit up on your own. You're still getting the hang of it, but you can certainly balance yourself. We can put you in a chair or on the couch, and as long as you have some support behind you, you can sit up on your own for quite a while.

You're very interested in your world and will reach out to touch new things. You really seem to love the remote control and the calculator. It makes you fall over when you're sitting up, but it's great that you're exploring so much. I just wish you wouldn't explore everything with your mouth.

You also figured out in the past month how to turn over from your front to your back, which is a huge relief for your mom and I since we don't have to flip you back over when you get frustrated or tired of being on your tummy. You just do it yourself.

The next big thing for you is going to be crawling. We've seen you trying in the past week. When you're on your tummy, and there's something you want that just out of reach, you'll stretch out toward it, and pull your knees up under yourself and try to push and pull yourself toward whatever it is you want.

We're excited that this month will be your first Christmas. I can't wait to see how you react to the Christmas tree. We went out to eat with some of Mommy's co-workers the other night and you loved looking at all the decorations at the resturant. It should be fun to see what you do with wrapping paper. I'm sure you'll probably try to eat it.

So that's it. We're through the first six months. Every day, you're growing and learning, and as always, I can't wait to see what the next month will bring.


It's beginning to look a lot like...

...the midwest.

OK, maybe not, but we did have sleet yesterday.

Of course, it was 40 degrees outside, but it still freaked out the natives.

I was off for the day because our sitter's husband just arrived back from Iraq and she had gone up to Ft. Hood to pick him up. I had gone to visit some friends and found out it was sleeting around 3:00. We got on the road at about 3:30 and it took us an hour to get home.

No accidents, just slow.

As I was driving through our neighborhood, I noticed that all of the roofs had ice in the valleys. It was a pretty odd thing to see in south Texas.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Catching up with the Lalemans

It's amazing how quickly time flies by when you don't have much of it to spare.

It doesn't seem like it's been a week and a half since I last updated the old Laleblog. I can also see that I need to update the banner, because it's December and, well, it's not November anymore. And that's November's banner up there.

So what have we been up to since our warm and sunny Turkey Day?

Freezing our butts off.

It got incredibly cold (for San Antonio) last week, and so we've been conserving energy and staying warm. And shopping. Without much success, at least on my part.

Actually, we have been pretty busy. The day before Thanksgiving, we decided to take the plunge and buy laminate floors for our living room and (we thought) dining room. The day after Thanksgiving, we rested, then Saturday, I started taking our the existing flooring.




Those first two pictures are from the realtor posting, so that's not our furniture, but all of the tile in those pictures was scheduled to come out. The third picture, you can see how ugly the carpet was.

So anyway, Saturday morning, bright and early, I pulled out the carpet in the living room and hallway. It took all of 20 minutes. After Monica got up and left with Rachel, I started taking out the tile.

It took me the rest of the day.

To do a little patch by our back door, maybe 15 square feet total, took me almost 3 hours. That's when I decided a bigger slegehammer might be helpful. The part by the fireplace took about the same amount of time despite being a much bigger area. The 10 pound slegehammer took care of most of the work, until it broke.

That's right, I broke a slegehammer taking out tile.

Of course that made the decision not to take the tile out of the dining room that much easier to make.

On Sunday, I started laying out the moisture barrier, which took most of the morning.



Because of the 45 degree angled walls in our living room (our house has all kinds of strange angles), the first part of the laminate required lots of cutting. By Sunday evening, I had about 1/4 of the floor done.


It took me until Wednesday before I finished, and I had to take 1/2 day off work to get it done. We still have transition pieces and baseboards to put in, but the floor is done. I don't have a good picture of it yet becase we moved the furniture back in the room and it's still a bit of a mess.

It looks nice though, so chalk up another home improvement project as a success. There's plenty to do in this house, and I'm looking forward to working on it and making it our own.

I took this weekend off to just spend time with the family and attempt to shop for Christmas presents. Next weekend I'm going to tackle the Christmas decorations.

Friday, November 24, 2006


Happy late Thanksgiving!

We had a house full of people yesterday, which means that we spent most of Wednesday cleaning and putting the finishing touches on our move in.

The bird came out just fine, and I didn't have to call mom for any help! The ham was really good too, after spending 5 hours on the smoker. Mashed potatoes? Check. Gravy? Perfect. Everything came out just fine, and now Monica and I are spending a lazy day together resting our weary bones.

Last weekend, we spent some time sunning ourselves on the deck as a family. I put up our mood lighting while Rachel jumped around in her jumper. Monica shot some pictures, and Sparky kept a lookout on the yard from the steps.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Happy Bloggiversay to me!

Today marks one year since I started Laleblog, and oh, how our lives have changed in the past 365 days.

Really, they have. Just take a look at the archives.

I started this blog primarily to keep friends and family updated on the Texas Lalemans, since I'm too lazy to write individual emails or (gasp!) actual letters to people. I'm sure this is evident to the many of you who are still waiting for last year's Christmas card from us.

It never fails to amaze me how quickly things change in life, and I'm glad that I started this to help me keep track of where we've been and what we've been doing.

A whole year of blogging isn't that big of a deal. A lot of people have been blogging for longer than that. Some, though, never make it past their first post. Making it a habit cough, cough, Sarah, cough, cough is what keeps it going. If you make the time to write, you'll continue to write. Very profound, I know.

Technology is constantly changing, so who knows what Laleblog might become in another year, let alone another 10 years. I only hope that Rachel (and whatever other children we have) can look back 15 or 20 years from now and reminisce on her childhood. I hope that Laleblog will become a sort of virtual scrap book for her.

I also hope to write more about our life as a family, although from what everyone tells me, our lives will revolve around our children for the next 20 years or so.

I hope that for you, my dear readers, this blog has brought you closer to us emotionally, even if it can't bring you closer to us physically. I am amazed at how many people want to read about our lives on a daily basis. I'm glad that this technology has made it easy for us to share our joys and sorrows with you.

So here's to the first year of Laleblog, and hopefully many more to come. Thanks for being a part of it, and by all means, post comments...I read them all, even if I don't respond directly.

And about those Christmas cards...I'll post ours here this year, and you can print it out as many times as you want =-)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Fully Loaded

One garage.


And it only took me an entire Saturday afternoon.

Now, I know what you're saying, and that's, "But Scott, I see stuff in boxes piled up all over the garage."

Sure, sure, things are still in boxes, but that's a project for another Saturday. I'll pick up some hooks at Target, find some scraps of plywood to make a few more shelves with, and get everything in it's place.

Oh, what, you think I got my truck in there with a shoehorn?

No, no, that's called planning. And it only took me 10 minutes to rearrange the area in front of my truck after I hit my bike.

That's skill, baby. Pure skill.

I've been parking my vehicle in the elements since I could drive. That's 18 years for those who are counting, and I'll be damned if I'm going to keep parking outside when I've got a 2 car garage at my disposal.

Now we just have to find room for the boat I'm going to buy.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Month Five

Dear Rachel,

Today you turn 5 months old. As always, it's hard to believe that you're growing up so fast, but what makes it even more unbelievable is when I look at a child younger than you.

I went with Chris to visit our friends Andrea and Caitlin and their new baby, Annika, last weekend. You couldn't go because newborn babies aren't supposed to be around other babies for a while. I couldn't believe how tiny she was, and it made me think back to the summer when I first held you in my arms. I had forgotten how small you were and how light you were. I'm not trying to say that you're fat or anything, but you have been eating like a little piggy lately.

We moved to our new house and you were really great about the whole thing, quietly playing with your toys and letting your parents get things moved into and around the house. This will be the first house you remember us living in, so I hope you like it.

Your Grandpa Rick and Grandma Connie visited right before we moved, and it was great to have them down. We always like seeing them, and they missed you a lot in the last couple of months. Grandma Connie almost started crying at the airport when she saw how big you had gotten.

You went to another wedding this past month, and you were quite the attraction. I think you may have even made the bride a bit jealous, because you were getting so much attention.

We started feeding you rice cereal over the past couple of weeks, in addition to the full bottles you've been drinking. At first, you made faces and "ACK!" noises when we fed you the cereal. Now, you reach for the spoon, and open your mouth wide when it's coming toward you. Mostly, you get the cereal all over your face because you haven't quite figured out the chewing and swallowing thing yet. You get it in your mouth just fine, but then proceed to push it out with your tongue, and when your mother or I try to catch it with the spoon, you move your head around so much that it ends up all over your cheeks, chin, and sometimes nose.

You also recognize your bottle now, and get quite cranky if you see it nearby and it's not in your mouth within 10 seconds. What's really cool though, is when you reach out and grab it, then pull it into your mouth. We still have to help you get the nipple in your mouth just right, but after that, you can hold it on your own and eat without much help. I even managed to pass you off to Mommy the other day without the bottle coming out of your hands or mouth.

You also will reach out for the dog when he's near. Anytime your hands come near his face, he'll start licking them. You will try to grab his tongue, and then some point later you put those very hands in your mouth. He also licks your feet, which you started sucking on in earnest this past month, too. Hopefully no one judges us by the fact that we let the dog lick you...we just figure that it's going to happen, and the sooner the better to work it into your immune system.

You started turning yourself over this past month, almost as soon as I had written the words in your last letter that you weren't turning over yet. You've almost gotten the flipping over from front to back thing down too, but not quite as consistently as the back to front rolling. It seems like every time we put you down, you're on your tummy within 30 seconds, and usually drooling all over whatever it is you're laying on--our bed, the floor, daddy's chest. Of course, you get one of your arms trapped under you, and that makes you crabby. When we put your on your tummy to start with, and both of your arms are free, you're usually fine for a while.

Your legs are getting very strong, I think from being in the jumper and the excer-saucer at Miss Judy's. Last night, you stood up in my lap for almost 5 minutes, and all I had to do was help you keep your balance. I was doing that with the light touch of one hand. I have a feeling you're going to start running before you can even crawl.

I can't wait to see what this next month will bring. You learn so much new stuff every month, it's hard for me to keep up with it all! Hopefully this month you'll get to meet Annika, and you'll have your first Thanksgiving. I can hardly wait to see what you do with a plate full of mashed potatoes!


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Ghosts, gobblins, and...oh, it's already November

I never did find the cord to my camera. I know it's here somewhere, because I used it the day after we moved in. Who knows what happened to it.

Here are the Halloween pictures as promised, just a little late. Rachel wore the ladybug costume to Pete and Carol's party on Saturday, then she wore the little witch's hat (I think she looks like a Keebler Elf) on Halloween. We didn't go anywhere that night except to Chili's to eat. She was out before we got home.

Friday, November 03, 2006


One USB cable to attach my camera to my computer. When I find it, ya'll will get your Rachel fix.

I have a feeling this is going to be a theme that runs through November as we try to remember where in the world we packed things.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Sugar rush

OK, actually, I only ate one piece of candy last night. Halloween pics of Rachel are on the way soon.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

You mean it's only been a week?

It feels like it was a month ago that my parents visited.


Of course I didn't have time to blog about it last week since I started my new job and we moved.


We also managed to go to a wedding last weekend. Congratulation to Kristin and Andy!


Rachel went with us and was quite a hit.


I'll catch you all up on the rest of the week a little later. We're still unpacking, and painting. It's going to take a while.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Back in touch with the real world...

We have been without Internet for just about 36 hours. The cable guy came last night and hooked us up, but I just hadn't gotten around to plugging in the wireless router. Too much other stuff to do, you know.

I find it hard to believe that by the end of the day today, we will be completely moved out of our old house. We're mostly done, but there are still some things in the garage and shed that need to be moved. We've got some people coming over today to help us out for a bit.

On Thursday night, Monica's brother Pete came over and helped us load the big moving truck. Yesterday, my friend Ed came to help us unpack it. Without the help of these two guys, we never would have gotten moved. I can't thank you enough.

The roof on the new house is in the process of being replaced, and hopefully it will be finished today so that tomorrow, we can unpack and get organized in peace and quiet.

I'll write more later about the crap we've been going through this past week with closing and loans and such. Right now, I need to get over to our old house so that we can be done with it.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Snow birds

My parents arrive today, and it's not supposed to be 100 at any point during the weekend. In fact, it was downright chilly this morning, as is evident by this really cute hat that one of Monica's co-workers made for Rachel.

I don't know if Mom and Dad will know what to do with themselves.

I'm also going to post another video here today. Hopefully, those of you who haven't been able to view the previous ones will be able to see this one. It's an AVI file, so it should open up with your video player of choice. As for the other videos, you'll probably have to go to the Quicktime website to download the latest version.

This one was shot with my little Canon Powershot yesterday. Rachel has started reaching out to grab things on her own now instead of waiting for them to be brought to her hands.

Click here to see the video