Saturday, March 25, 2006

The latest geek craze

Sparky and I are now Geocachers. What is Geocaching, you ask? Well, allow me to explain.

Geocaching is like an adventure game in your neighborhood. People hide caches, then post the latitude/longitude coordinates online, usually at the Geocaching website. A cache can be just about anything. In it's simplest form, it's a weatherproof container with a notebook and a pencil so people can log when they visited the cache. Most caches have little trinkets in them as well. You're expected to leave something if you take something. The caches stay put so other people can find them and that's how it works.

Last week, one of the schools I work at got GPS units. I borrowed one so I could see how it worked, and went to find my first geocache. The first one was easy, but the second one I looked for, just a few hundred yards from the first one, I couldn't find. It was then that I realized how inaccurate GPS units can be if you're looking for a small thing in an exact location. But I guess that's all part of the fun.

The caches we found today I really had to work for. The first one we went hunting for was at the dog park (appropriately enough), and after I got within 20 feet of the location, it took me about 20 mintues to actually locate it. After we came home from the dog park, we went hunting for geocaches close to the house. There are three within about 3/4 of a mile of each other along Culebra Creek, over by our grocery store. It took us almost 2 hours to find all three, but we did it. One was a small film canister that was hanging from a tree, and I was lucky to look right at after only 5 minutes of looking. Another was really easy to find, since the hint left online pretty much told me where to look. The third was the hardest, not just because we had to walk through very tall weeds to get there, but because there was a lot of tree cover, which means the GPS doesn't get as good of a signal from the satellites. I went one tree too far, and upon expanding the search, found it easily.

Now to complete my geekiness, I just need to leave a cache somewhere.

Pictures below...

A picture of the Boeing building at Kelly AFB taken from the first cache site we visited today

Sparky enjoying the squeaky bone we took from the first cache

Culebra Creek, our second geocache hunt of the day. Live Oaks make for really cool black and white photos!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Fried Apples

And I'm not talking about the ones at the Cracker Barrel.

Unless you're calling me a Cracker, and my house a Barrel.

So...the other day, I pull out Monica's laptop and try to turn it on. I stress the word try, because I tried damn near everything I know, and it wouldn't turn on at all. Not even the CD spinup, or a fan noise. Nada.

I looked everywhere on the web to find the key combination to completely drain power from the motherboard, but couldn't find it. I know there is one, because I've shocked a computer into not turning on before, and Apple tech support gave me the key combo, and viola! It turned back on. But I couldn't find it anywhere, and of course I didn't write it down when it happened.

I took it in to get it fixed yesterday, but we didn't get home until after 6 so I couldn't call back the place to find out what was wrong. I called this morning, and they told me the motherboard was fried. Since her machine is almost 4 years old, it's not under warantee anymore, so a new motherboard would cost over $700.


Luckily, her hard drive was intact, so I just had them put it in an external drive enclosure, so she can access her stuff from my machine.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Monica had a doctor's appointment today, and while we were waiting, little Rachel was using mommy's insides like a jungle gym. I put my hand on Monica to see what she was up to, and starting poking and prodding the little tyke.

Bad move.

I swear, our little girl is never going to have any problems defending herself. She decided to try out some of that Kung Fu crap on me. I was surprised by how hard she kicked me, but Monica was just about laid out. She told me I wasn't allowed to provoke Rachel any more because, in the end, it was her that ended up getting all the pain from it.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Where in the hell did doctors learn to count?

Is it 6 months or 7? How come no one tells you about this whole "it's really 10 months" thing until after you're pregnant?

I guess we'll just keep counting weeks...that would be 29 weeks.


Saturday, March 18, 2006

A big Texas "Howdy" to all my sister's friends...

Howdy ya'll. I noticed that quite a few people have been visiting via my sister's blog (linked over there on the right) since she finally decided to throw me a link on hers.

Anyway, if I don't know you, welcome, and have a look around, and if I do know you, have fun catching up with the events in my life.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Her first photograph

Besides the first sonogram, of course...

If you look carefully, you can see she has a lot of hair up top. We can't wait to meet her in person.

Teach a man to fish...

Mom and Dad just left today. While they were here, we did a bunch of things none of us had ever done before. We went to Fredericksburg, reneted a boat and went fishing on Canyon Lake, and got a 3D sonogram (which I'll post pictures of in my next post).

It was great to have them down, and the weather cooperated very nicely, as you can see from these pictures.

Dad catches a famed Canyon Lake Shirtfish

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Two years ago today, Monica and I found out that her mother had passed on. It was, and still is a very hard day for her family, especially now that we're having a little one. It also happens to be her mother's birthday, which made it that much harder.

We felt the best way to honor her was to name our child after her. Tomorrow, we get to see her for the first time when we go for our 3D sonogram. I'll post pictures as soon as we have them.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Garage Sailing

Yeah, I know I spelled it wrong. I did it on purpose.

We took part in a garage sale yesterday at our friend Maria's house. We did pretty well...enough to have some spending money for when Mom and Dad are here. We also got the chance to meet Maria's new dog, Chico.

He's really not that big...I bought a new lens off ebay, and was trying it out. It allowed me to get the extreme close-up of the pup. We had great fun at Chico's expense...but I was not the instigator of this:

I did, however, have to take this picture of our friend Andy and the dog because...well, just look at Andy's shirt:

Get it? It's Chico and the Mann!

I also got way more sun than I needed to yesterday, but not enough to blister and peel, which is a good thing, because I plan on getting even more sun later this week fishing and doing other things outside with the 'rents.

Monday, March 06, 2006

This one's for Google

My good friend Andrea tried to Google my blog this afternoon, but couldn't find it. I told her I think it's because I haven't put my first and last names together anywhere on the old Laleblog. So here goes...

This is Scott Laleman's blog. This page belongs to Scott Laleman. Looking for Scott Laleman? You've found him. Hi there, I'm Scott Laleman.

Take that Google.

By the way, if you're a high school kid and you've come here looking for information about how to get around the blocking software your school has in place so you can get to your page, stop reading my blog and do your homework. I never had any info on how to get around that software in the first place, and in the second place, the blog that talked about that, the one that used to reside here, is long gone because I want to keep my job.

Thank you for visiting Scott Laleman's blog. Have a Scott Laleman day.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Astronaut, The Social Studies Teacher, and Me

Hey, remember that building with the green neon that I posted a picture of last night?

We were on the top floor of it tonight.

So why were we on the top floor of one of the biggest buildings in Dallas? We were there for a reception honoring Dr. Mae Jemison, the first woman of color to go into space. She's the keynote speaker at the conference we're up here for, but the banquet tonight was for the school where the conference is being held, a Catholic high school here in Dallas.

Dr. Jemison was very cool to listen to and to talk to. She grew up on the south side of Chicago and read a few passages from her book tonight. I got a chance to talk with her for a bit, and we joked about how the oldest siblings always pick on the youngest. She was the youngest in her family. I am the oldest in mine.

Another highlight of the night was the "small world" event that happened. When we were at dinner last night, we were talking with Anita and Roger (our gracious hosts, and the GIS gurus) about funny town names. I happened to mention that I was from Normal, Illinois, and Anita said, "That's where Fred Walk is from...he'll be here tomorrow."

Anita and Roger, our gracious hosts

I did one of those double takes, and asked her "Who?"

"Fred Walk," she said again.

"He was a social studies teacher at my high school," I said, still a little bewildered by this turn of events. I can't remember now if I ever had Mr. Walk as a teacher, but I knew him, and most of my friends had him for class. We had a nice conversation when he got there, and yes, Sarah, he even remembered you.

Overall, it was a pretty entertaining night. I got to meet an astronaut, ran into someone who knows that Ironmen isn't just a Black Sabbath song, and got to eat good food.

Oh yeah, since all of this stuff we're doing is taking place at a Catholic high school, I was a very good Catholic today...actually I didn't have much of a choice. The lunches we had today were either veggie or tuna, and none of the food tonight had meat in it. Still really tasty, though!

Tomorrow, Eric and I present a couple of things at the conference and head home late tomorrow afternoon. It's been fun here, and I've learned a lot, but I can't wait to get home to my beautiful wife and sleep in my own bed.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Big "D"

My colleague Eric and I are in Dallas until Saturday for a GIS conference. GIS stands for Geographical Information Systems, and it's the "next big thing." It's basically using maps to analyze data and it's very cool, if not a bit complicated. I got the "fire hose" treatment of info today, and my brain hurts.

Eric and I got into town last night and went down the to West End for dinner. While we were down there, I had my first celebrity sighting in quite a while. We were finishing up dinner, and saw some action across the street. When we looked more closely to see what was going on, we realized that Howie Long was leaving the resturant and getting into an SUV driven by Terry Bradshaw. Evidently they do hang out after the season is over. Unfortunately I didn't have ma camera with me, but I took it tonight, just in case we had another celebrity sighting.

Unfortunately we didn't, and I didn't have a tripod to hold my camera steady for the cool night shots.

But I'll bet you didn't know I was a lucrative business owner in the Big D.

And here comes the obligatory big building shot...

And finally, a cool picture and an artsy picture. The last one is the building we're staying in.