Friday, March 24, 2006

Fried Apples

And I'm not talking about the ones at the Cracker Barrel.

Unless you're calling me a Cracker, and my house a Barrel.

So...the other day, I pull out Monica's laptop and try to turn it on. I stress the word try, because I tried damn near everything I know, and it wouldn't turn on at all. Not even the CD spinup, or a fan noise. Nada.

I looked everywhere on the web to find the key combination to completely drain power from the motherboard, but couldn't find it. I know there is one, because I've shocked a computer into not turning on before, and Apple tech support gave me the key combo, and viola! It turned back on. But I couldn't find it anywhere, and of course I didn't write it down when it happened.

I took it in to get it fixed yesterday, but we didn't get home until after 6 so I couldn't call back the place to find out what was wrong. I called this morning, and they told me the motherboard was fried. Since her machine is almost 4 years old, it's not under warantee anymore, so a new motherboard would cost over $700.


Luckily, her hard drive was intact, so I just had them put it in an external drive enclosure, so she can access her stuff from my machine.

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