Sunday, March 12, 2006

Garage Sailing

Yeah, I know I spelled it wrong. I did it on purpose.

We took part in a garage sale yesterday at our friend Maria's house. We did pretty well...enough to have some spending money for when Mom and Dad are here. We also got the chance to meet Maria's new dog, Chico.

He's really not that big...I bought a new lens off ebay, and was trying it out. It allowed me to get the extreme close-up of the pup. We had great fun at Chico's expense...but I was not the instigator of this:

I did, however, have to take this picture of our friend Andy and the dog because...well, just look at Andy's shirt:

Get it? It's Chico and the Mann!

I also got way more sun than I needed to yesterday, but not enough to blister and peel, which is a good thing, because I plan on getting even more sun later this week fishing and doing other things outside with the 'rents.

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