Thursday, March 02, 2006

Big "D"

My colleague Eric and I are in Dallas until Saturday for a GIS conference. GIS stands for Geographical Information Systems, and it's the "next big thing." It's basically using maps to analyze data and it's very cool, if not a bit complicated. I got the "fire hose" treatment of info today, and my brain hurts.

Eric and I got into town last night and went down the to West End for dinner. While we were down there, I had my first celebrity sighting in quite a while. We were finishing up dinner, and saw some action across the street. When we looked more closely to see what was going on, we realized that Howie Long was leaving the resturant and getting into an SUV driven by Terry Bradshaw. Evidently they do hang out after the season is over. Unfortunately I didn't have ma camera with me, but I took it tonight, just in case we had another celebrity sighting.

Unfortunately we didn't, and I didn't have a tripod to hold my camera steady for the cool night shots.

But I'll bet you didn't know I was a lucrative business owner in the Big D.

And here comes the obligatory big building shot...

And finally, a cool picture and an artsy picture. The last one is the building we're staying in.

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