Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Home sweet home...

So we're finally home after 4 days in the hospital. Monica and Rachel are doing great.

She got to meet all her grandparents...

And Daddy finally got his picture taken with her after 2 days...

In case she forgets her name...

The cradle that Great-Grandpa Al made for her (she's not really throwning gang signs)

Basking in the sun...

Ten fingers...

and ten toes.


  1. Anonymous10:51 PM

    So wonderful! As we're done having kids, I'm enjoying watching you go through the joy (and the sleepless nights!) Hint: At about 2 months - use the vibrating bouncing seat. It's a life saver! How's the dog doing with Rachel? One of our cats went into a deep depression when we brought Brian home and we had to put the cat on kitty-prozac!

  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Congratulations to you both - she is absolutely gorgeous!!! That is quite a head of hair - Scott, you're going to have learn how to do barrettes and braids for sure! It'll put you right in touch with your feminine side! I'm really happy for you, and I'm glad that everything seemed to go well. Let the fun begin.... :)
