Yes, your Daddy acknowledges that he's totally ripping off Heather over at but if an idea is good, it's worth stealing. That's lesson number one.
This weekend you turned one month old. I'm still not sure quite how to "count" you...should it be in weeks or months? This first one is easy because the four week mark was just two days from the one month mark, but it's not always going to be that easy.
Your mom and I were so excited for you to get here, and there are still times that we look at you and can't believe you're actually here. You didn't really want to come...I guess you were just too cozy inside Mommy, but there just wasn't any more room for you to grow.
On the day you were born, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. That little bundle Mom had been carrying around for 9 months (or was it 10?) wasn't so little. All of the nurses in the operating room commented on how much hair you had. When they handed you to me, I couldn't stop smiling. You mom wasn't able to hold you right away, but I put you down next to her face, and you opened your eyes wide to get a good look at her.
I didn't expect to be able to hold you for as long as I did. I thought at some point they'd bring in the machine that goes ping and take you away from me. But they didn't. In fact, I got to hold you for almost 90 minutes before the nice ladies from the nursery came down to take you.
While we were in the hospital, all of the nurses kept saying how beautiful you were. I'm not sure if they say that to every new mom or not, but your doctor even came in and said that everyone in the nursery was talking about what a pretty baby you were. We certainly think so!
Since Mommy had to stay in the hospital for a couple of extra days, I stayed with her and we started getting used to getting up to feed you. For the first week or so, even after we came home from the hospital, we would wake you up in the middle of the night to feed you because that's what "they" said we should do.
Then one night, bleary eyed, your mom decided that we should see how long you would sleep for us at night. The first night we let you sleep, you slept for 6 hours, and I woke up at 3 AM sure that you had stopped breathing. I went to check on you, and after I was sure you were still alive, I went back to bed. The next night you slept 7 hours, and your mother and I started actually getting some sleep. Now we take turns getting up with you because if we didn't we'd never get anything done like paying bills and eating.
You've really become very aware of us when you're awake, staring right at us when we feed you. You also have become infatuated with ceiling fans. We've noticed you looking at us more and more, and we think that you understand who your parents are.
You've gone so many places and met so many people this first month, and you've actually helped mommy and daddy get back in touch with people and go places they should have done a long time ago.
Your Grandma Connie and Grandpa Rick were so excited to see you that they drove all the way from Illinois the day after you were born to meet you. You had a lot of visitors in the hospital, and even more when you came home. You've been to Austin and Houston, and next week you get to go to Illinois for the first time to meet your Great-Grandparents. Your aunts and uncles and cousins have all been by to see you, and your Aunt Sarah from Brooklyn flew in last weekend to meet you. Grandma Connie and Grandpa Rick came down again last weekend too. You've been to Daddy's work twice, and Mommy's school once already. You've even been to a baseball game and a wedding already! Everyone has been so excited to see you, and we've been happy to show you off.
You've been such a good baby for us, we can hardly believe it. Your mom had a pretty easy pregnancy, and you have been a relatively easy baby to care for too. We can't believe just how blessed we are to have you in our lives. We love you so much, and can't wait to see what the next months and years bring.
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