Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Month Two

Dear Rachel,

This week you turned two months old. The summer has just flown by. Your mother and I can't believe that we have to go back to work and leave you in the care of someone else.

This month, you really started to get your personality. You've started smiling and laughing at us, as well as anyone else you like. That made Grandma Connie and Grandpa Rick really happy, and probably set you up for a nice inheritance.

Now every time we get your attention, we try to get you to laugh, just because it makes us smile so much.

You took your first plane ride this month and made your first visit to Illinois. You handled the trip like a pro, although sleeping through the flight up and the drive to Grandma and Grandpa's did screw up your schedule for a couple of days. When we got back, we just left you in your car seat, since you were already asleep, to get you back on schedule faster.

You started eating a lot more this month, too, but going farther between feedings. Your face and hands have gotten pudgy, but that's a good thing because it tells us you're getting plenty of food.

The other way we can tell that you're getting plenty to eat is by how much you poop, and you've been doing it a lot lately. At the beginning of the month, we were worried because you were going 2-3 days between poops, but now you seem to be back on your schedule of 2-3 per day. I can't say that we're excited about it, but it's better than trying to clean up 3 days of poop all at once, and then worrying in between about when you're going to explode.

There have been a few times this past month where you slept for 10 hours. That makes your parents very happy. There have also been a few times this past month when you only slept a few hours, and that doesn't make us so happy. However, we know you're growing, and that can really mess things up.

You've become a very active little girl when you're awake, and even when you're asleep. When you're awake, you will kick and swing your arms around and talk to whoever or whatever is there. You smile at your Winnie-the-Pooh mobile and talk to all the characters. Your favorite seems to be Eeyore. Your neck is getting really strong, and you've started holding your head up when we put you up to our shoulder.

When you're asleep, you move around a lot too. Sometimes in the morning, I'll go into your room and find that you've turned yourself perpendicular to the way we put you in bed, and you usually have your feet hanging out of the crib.

One of the most exciting things you've done this month is to realize that your hand is actually attached to your body. I watched in disbelief last week as you slowly made a fist and deliberately moved your hand to your mouth so you could suck on it. You're becoming quite aware of yourself and your surroundings.

Now that you mom and I are both going back to work, I'm afraid we're going to miss out on some of your milestones. Miss Judy is really good about telling us what's going on with you though, and we know you're in good hands.

We love you very much and miss you every minute that we can't be with you.


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