Dear Rachel,
Today you turn four months old. I can't believe how quickly the last month flew by. I just got used to saying that you were three months! We have been really busy as a family, and there are a lot of exciting changes that will be happening this month.
By the end of your fifth month of life, you will be living in a new house, and your Daddy will have a new job. These things aren't a big deal to you, but they are a huge deal for your parents.
Watching you this past month has been amazing for us, as always. Now, instead of reaching out tenatively, you will grab at anything that comes within an arm's length of you. Rattles, your bottle, daddy's face...anything that's close to you, you'll grab, and usually try to put in your mouth. You've also started grabbing your feet, but thankfully, you're not trying to eat those, yet.
In addition to grabbing, you're also holding on to stuff a lot longer to explore it. You will even hold onto your bottle from time to time, which makes it much easier for me to change the channel on the TV and have a beer while you're eating.
You've refined your digit sucking over the past four weeks. At the end of last month, you were shoving your whole fist in your mouth. Over the course of this month, you picked out two fingers you liked, and in the past week, you've decided (much to my dismay) that your thumb is what you really want to suck on.
You've also become very vocal this month, regularly holding conversations with whoever will listen, and you will go on for minutes on end. Especially when your mother and I are trying to listen to something on TV. There are certain words or sounds that you will respond to with a laugh, like the dog's bark, or the word "poop." It still makes us laugh every time you laugh.
Your are getting used to spending time on your tummy and don't cry or fuss as much as you used to. Earlier in the week, you picked your head up, turned and looked right at my while you were on your tummy, which you hadn't ever done before. Usually, I have to get down to floor level to get you to turn and look at me.
You're still not turning over, but when you're on your back, you will turn onto your side to look at something that interests you. Hopefully, this month, we'll get you to turn completely over.
Bathtime has become a real trip. Instead of washing you in your plastic tub over the sink, you've started taking a bath with Mommy. You love being in the tub and having room to kick around. You kick so much, that you get me wet sitting outside of the tub. You really love the water, and I can't wait to take you swimming.
You've started recognizing that the dog is a living thing, and he is becoming more daring around you. You will follow him when he walks by, and you love watching his tail wag. He, in turn, shows you a lot of love, usually by licking your feet, but he also sniffs around your face a lot.
We bought you a jumper this month, which you love to spend time in. You bounce around a lot, and are starting to figure out that the toys on it are there for you to play with. We love it because it wears you out, which means you fall asleep quickly after you've been in it.
Speaking of falling asleep, you're starting to become quite the little stinker when it's bed time. You will play in your bed for a while, but once you realize that there's nobody around, you start to cry. Loudly. Very loudly. We know that babies form habits around three months, so we're trying to get you to fall asleep without us holding you or standing over you, but sometimes you just need a loving face to stare at. One night, you were wailing like someone had dropped you, and when I walked in, you were just laying in the middle of your bed, pitching a fit. As soon as you saw me, you stopped crying and calmed down. I guess you are just a social butterfly, and want people around.
We took you to your first high school football game last week, and you didn't seem to mind all of the noise. In fact, you even fell asleep during part of the game! Mommy's team got obliterated by Grandpa Martinez's team, but we won't talk about that.
Grandma Connie and Grandpa Rick will be here in a few weeks for a weekend visit. We can't wait to see them, and show them how much you've learned!