Tuesday, October 03, 2006

In which it all hits the fan...

Isn't it weird how everything happens all at once?

In case you couldn't tell by the new banner, we have accepted an offer on our house. I hesitate to say it's sold because the deal isn't done until the ink is dry on the papers.

A lot of other things fell into place last week, too.

Over the course of the past year, I had applied for 6 different jobs and only got one interview. Trust me, I'm not applying for stuff I'm not qualified for, so it's been really frustrating.

Over the past month, I've applied for two jobs and got interviewed for both of them. Also over the past month, we've had several showings on our house but no bites.

My whole world flipped upside down last week.

Over the course of 7 days, we accepted an offer on our house, looked at about 15 houses, placed an offer on one, and I accepted a new job.

All in one week.

And the fallout from all of this is going to happen all in the same week, too. I start my new job, and we close on both houses in the same week.


The house we put an offer on needs a new roof, and I have a really bad feeling that it's going to be a sticking point on both ends. It's a deal breaker for us if the sellers don't want to fix it, which means we start all over again looking for houses.

October is shaping up to be a very busy month around here.

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