Friday, December 30, 2005


Sort of. There are still obvious mistakes in the wall, so I think at some point this spring, we're going to re-paint with a texture paint to hide the mistakes, then paint over that with the brown....Oat Straw to be exact. We may also end up painting the whole room in Oat Straw, and going a touch darker on the far wall. Or not.

At any rate, this part of the project is complete. I love the new lights...they make it look like such a modern house. Let's review again how this thing progressed, shall we?

This was how our wall looked up until 13 days ago. Let's disco, baby! This picture was taken in June 2004 when we first looked at the house.

The first day I was on vacation, I started bringing down the wall. "Tear down the wall! Tear down the wall!"

On Monday of this week, Andy came over to help me hang sheetrock with the suppies that Gregg graciously brought over.

And finally, today. The finished product.

Here's a more dramatic, "While You Were Out" look at it, with out the fan in the way...

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