Yesterday I went shopping. Most of the shopping was done online, but I did have to go to some real stores and deal with real people for some of it.
And that just served to hammer the Christmas spirit right out of me.
I hate crowds. The reason I hate crowds is because there's always stupid people in crowds. You know the kind...the ones who walk slow and take up the entire walkway while gesturing wildly with their hands or stop every 10 feet to look at something? The "slow and wides" as Mom and Dad call them.
Well, here in San Antonio there's another kind of stupid, along with the slow and wides. They're the "I'm-trying-to-be-fashionable-in-my-winter-clothing-even-though-it's-almost-sixty-degrees-outside" stupid. They were everywere. The typical ITTBFIMWCETIASDO stupid person is a teenaged girl, although I did see some 20-somethings too. They're so easy to spot, too, because they're wearing a scarf and possibly a stocking cap, although not down over their ears like people do when it's actually cold outside.
But what really gives them away are the boots. You know the ones--the Uggs that Oprah likes so much. I think they're called Uggs because they're frickin UGLY. These are the kind of boots that you should be wearing if you're in the Arctic or Chicago during the winter (because there's really no difference between the Arctic and a Chicago winter, penguins in Chicago), but you sure as hell shouldn't be wearing them when it's 60 degrees outside!
I recall Oprah (yes, I watched the other day...I'm on break, remember?) saying how warm they kept her feet, and all I could think about yesterday when I saw these teeny boppers wearing them around in the mall was how badly their feet must be sweating, and what a lovely aroma that must produce.
Very fashionable, indeed.
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