Sunday, December 11, 2005

I published my first book!

Yes, you read that right. I published a book.

Seems like the whole Laleman family is getting into the book biz. Maybe I can get my mom to sell my book at her store...maybe not.

I became interested in trying my hand at book publishing after reading this post on Dooce. I never realized that publishing my own work could be so cost efficient. I've created photo books through Apple's iPhoto before, but they were really expensive, and I wasn't all that impressed with the quality.

I still haven't received my copy of the book yet, but I'm expecting it sometime this week. It's a collection of photos from our honeymoon this summer (no, not those kind of pictures...landscape pictures). I already know one thing I need to revise in the book--I didn't give Monica credit for the photos she took, and I just know I'm going to hear about it.

Anyway, you can check it out (and buy a copy if you want!) through Lulu

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