Sunday, December 04, 2005

A Magical Christmas Palace

When we got home from our trip to the great, frigid north last weekend, I decided I had better take advantage of the 90 degree weather to put up Christmas lights. This was a much easier task than it was last year, as I already knew what I was doing and didn't have to put any new nails in the side of the house like I did last year.

It was sort of like teaching the same lesson two years in a row.

What we didn't do last weekend, though, was put up our Christmas tree and other decorations--mostly because that would have involved us cleaning the house.

We did that this weekend.

So now we have a lit fake Christmas tree and all of our Christmas knick knacks decorating the living room, and as the song goes, "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas."

I'm looking forward to not having to travel this Christmas, but I am going to miss being with my side of the family. It was just going to be too much driving for one year. I think just with our road trips, we've traveled close to 15,000 miles in the past 12 months.

We're listing Monica's truck as a second home on our taxes this year.

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